Monday, September 13, 2010


Well, my official second blog about a year after my first. I have started school at BYU. I am an Anatomy Lab T.A. which I love! Though I'm having some issues with teaching, it seems that my flaws with certain terms as a student have become flaws as a T.A. I'm working on it though. I am also working and taking chemistry. Chemistry is extremely hard for me, hopefully God is listening to my many prayers of pleading for undestanding. I know I can get through this if I put in the time and faith. I'm starting to feel like a raindrop, hurtling through space with my core going every which way possible. I'm holding on to the thought that I will soon evaporate back to a place that I am more comfortable in.
I'm grateful to be attending BYU and I know this environment is good for me. As much as I would love to be backpacking right now I know that my education is not just for me but for those I will influence later on.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dedicated to Rachel Olsen

Well it's springbreak and I'm loving it. I love having a break from the frantic and stessed college life. I was able to go to Zion's National Park for a couple of days for some hiking. It's truly breathtaking, the view is so large and overwhelming I felt like my conciousness was being crushed under the weight of the great red canyon walls.

Our first attempt at a campfire was dismal at best but we got it going after some neighboring campers took pity on us and gave us firewood, (we were using weeds, twigs and dried leaves.)
We, a bunch of friends from USU, had fun despite our challenge with camping on our own. Though I will attest that I had the most experience all thanks to Dad and Papaw.
We all left Zion's burnt (my arms are fried), worn out and happy that our taste of independence was over. My mom's cooking tastes all the better when I eat freeze dried food for a couple of days.
Finals, like the sun rising each day, CANNOT be prevented. So I am starting the mental preparation now. I look foreward to summer, these thoughts get me through the final weeks of my first year in college. Though nothing brings me more comfort than a loving family, a true gospel to believe in and delicious food from my mom's kitchen.