It was interesting, as I was sitting there listen to the Flight Attendant repeatedly squeak out "You are on the flight for Saaaaaaaannnnnn Diiiiieeeego" I had a momentary panic attack as to the amount of money that I was spending to go down and visit my friend in San Diego. Was this worth it? But then I though, don't people do this kind of stuff everyday? As they are strolling through the grocery store they throw in a box of Twinkies here, a bag of "fat free"-dipped-in-sugar-but-who-cares-because-it's-fat-free high calorie nougats. So I justified myself and got ready to go to my big box of twinkies aka San Diego.
I seem to have issues with airports, only my strong determination to get on that plane allowed me to shove aside man, woman and child and arrive on time. The first plane I was the last one on and had about 3 minutes until take off because I arrived late and forgot to take my liquids out of the bag which made them think I was hiding something so I had to go through another, "more extensive" part of security. The second time I went through security twice because I went through the wrong portal and then when I ran over to the correct one there was a long line and it was being backed up by some latino man who had passport issues. After tapping my foot and sighing loudly so everyone knew that I was impatiently waiting the line finally started to move and I made it to my gate just in time for boarding.
San Diego was filled with all of the diversions that anyone would enjoy. I read Harry Potter, went to the beach everyday and ate enough sushi to make anyone shudder, (I even got to the point where the woman working at "Su
shi Man" recognized me.) Kelsey and I cooked dinner together and suffered the consequences what spicy food can do to the digestive system.
Here are a few pictures that evidence the amazing time I had:
I stayed at the Barker's house with Kelsey while in San Diego and they are currently under construction. There house has an uncanny resemblance to my idea of a drug dealers home.
The Chicken Pigeon that we befriended on our many trips to the beach.
A new way to be modest
Kelsey and I at Coronado Beach